What if the life you’re dreaming of isn’t as far away as it feels right now?

I help you let go of the shit that’s holding you back and find the real you who has everything you want, and all at the same time.

1,500+ Lives Freed

What you want, wants you more


“I always have a choice in every situation- I create my reality.”


“I know who I am and trust my intuition to guide me in life.”


“I’m connected to my inner resources and feel empowered to use them”

Work-Life Harmony

“My priorities are aligned with my values- I know what to do.”


“I’m okay with being misunderstood- I know my truth.”

Purpose & Peace

“I’m present in my life and connected with my soul- I feel alive!”

I’m Jen Cui, the life coach that didn’t want to live, the spiritual guide who didn’t believe in “energy,” and the healer who didn’t wait to be fully healed to start helping.

I know how heavy it feels to live a life that doesn’t feel like yours.

Maybe you’re stuck in a job that drains you, in a relationship that you know doesn’t feel right, or in playing a role you never signed up for.

Deep down, you know there’s more for you—you feel it.

But the fear of what’s next?

That feels even BIGGER.

Listen, I get it. Facing the truth can be terrifying.

But you can’t keep ignoring it. You can’t keep putting yourself last, pretending everything’s fine when it’s not. You weren’t meant to live like this. You were meant for so much more.

I’m here to help you be the person you’re too scared to be.

I’ll help you face the fear, uncover what’s really holding you back, and figure out your next steps. You don’t have to do this alone.

We’ll use Soul Whispering and my Virtues, Values, and Visions framework to reconnect with your truth. You’ll finally have the clarity and courage to live the life you want—a life that feels free, fulfilling, and true to you.

I’ve worked with hundreds of people who are afraid to leave their partner or quit their job, people who feel like they’ve built their own cage and don’t know how to get out.

And guess what?

They do get out.

They find their courage.

They rewrite their story.

And so can you.

Here’s the thing: It’s not just about knowing what’s wrong.

It’s about doing something about it.

Spirituality allows us face the raw, honest truth—whether that’s “I feel so lost, I don’t know if I can keep going,” or “I deserve more love, and I owe it to myself to choose me!”

Practicality helps us live our truth and take the small steps that builds us up to take the big leaps of faith required to live authentically.

Whatever your truth is, I’m here to help you own it and take action.

You deserve to feel at peace, to be yourself, and to live the life you’ve been dreaming about.

But you have to take the first step. It’s time to face the music. You don’t have to do it alone—I’ve got you.

Ready to start? Let’s figure out what’s next together.

Sign up to receive my Oracles of Wonderment

My intuitively guided newsletter shares channeled messages, pragmatic guidance, and updates on all things Soul Whispering to support you in creating a fulfilling, peaceful, and aligned life.

You’ll also receive a free in-depth personalized tarot reading detailing what this next chapter of your life is all about.

Listen to your Soul Whispers

The Soul Whispers Podcast ​is your guide to finding your way back home to your authentic self.

Join The Soul Whisperer, Jen Cui, in connecting with your soul through sharing real stories, learned insights, and illusion-shattering perspectives so YOUR truth can set you free.

There's no holding back & no going back, so if you're ready to let go of your fears, challenge your doubts, and stop resisting the truth that you can have it all- listen on.

Vibe with me @jenthesoulwhisperer