“I went from being the girl who hated herself and the world, who was buried in trauma, and who didn’t want to live…

to becoming the woman who laughs wholeheartedly, who loves courageously, and who alchemizes her dreams into reality.”

-Jen Cui

My Journey

I was a sensitive soul who hardened to the world and abandoned myself to survive, who learned to peel back the numb calloused masks to find home within myself.

I massively struggled with a whole host of issues that I (for the longest time) thought was created by things I didn't have control over. I just thought life sucked, I sucked, dating sucked, my body sucked, my race sucked, working sucked, school sucked, life sucked, and that was it.

But then I dove deeper and started connecting the dots from how my life was to my experiences of: verbal abuse growing up, chronic burnout and perfectionism, sexual assault at 14, PTSD, abusive co-dependent relationships, disordered eating, crippling depression, suicidal ideation, high-functioning anxiety, etc.

During my first year of college went through the worst mental health crisis (after neglecting my mental health for years) and it landed me in a hospital for 3 days. Within a few hours of being admitted, I watched a girl attempt suicide in front of me. It was that day, that I knew I needed to change my habits, my thought patterns, my beliefs, and my priorities, like my life depended on it. Because it did. AND it the day I vowed to make a difference in the mental health care system.

So the following two years, I did everything to better my mental and physical health and learned to tolerate life and myself. I started from outside-in, first developing nourishing exercise and food habits, then rewiring body-negativity and making peace with trauma.

I eventually was able to be okay with life and myself and I felt literally like a new person. That evolved into liking myself, finding pockets of joy and meaning in life, then finally unlocking love and gratitude for it all. The sad, depressed, hopeless, stress ball I was just a few years ago, felt like multiple lifetimes ago.

That's when I discovered my purpose. During a study abroad trip to Australia, I was just focused on enjoying life. I was letting myself heal from an abusive relationship, building awareness around who I really was, and breaking the cycles of self-abuse I was engaging in. I found my purpose in living when I was resting, connecting, and having fun.

My purpose was/is: to be.

Judge however you want- but I believe it to be the highest purpose. To simply be. To be who you are, to be free, to do as you wish, to lean into your passions, to fully BE in your life.

And I believe it is yours and every person who has a soul’s purpose too. To come home to themselves so they can allow themselves to be, and through it all, express their true self through meaningful things such as their occupation, relationships, intellectual pursuits, creative hobbies, healing, service, travel, and so much more.

I understood finally that in going through all of the pain and all of the healing, I was meant to feel it all- to welcome and learn about my emotions rather than push them down or wish them away. To build my capacity to experience a full whole-hearted life. To know truly what it meant to feel dead inside, so I could create the opportunity for my human self to find my soul-self in the darkness, by following the sparks that made me feel ALIVE.

I followed those clues of “aliveness” to see that my soul’s contract on Earth is to deeply connect with others so I may guide them to be free to live a life true to their souls.

At the end of 2018, I started Jen Cui Coaching (then known as Jen Cui Health). I got certified as a personal trainer, became a health coach, and at the beginning of 2019, dove head first into helping people I met at school in their fitness journey and health goals. I knew the root of everyone's problems wasn't really their body, or their nutrition, or their sleep, like they thought it was. It was their beliefs on what they should, could, wanted, and were willing to do. When the people I worked with saw that as well, we started working on the deeper layers of what was happening within their minds and spirits.

I started coaching people on more areas of their lives including relationships, money, past trauma, stress, career changes, and spiritual blocks- everything was on the table, even the most taboo topics. I also started coaching entrepreneurial spirits that were driven to create an impact create a more soul-aligned business. Whether it was a product or a service, whether they wanted to be a coach, a trainer, a non-profit founder, or a streetwear brand- every challenge came down to the same thing. Mindset.

I also received support during this time through various forms of self-discovery and healing and saw just how powerful coaching, spiritual guidance, and hypnotherapy could be. All it took was one session for me to feel lighter, more at ease, and see clearly what my next steps were in my process. I rediscovered spirituality, my love for the inexplicable ways the universe communicates, my sense of wonderment, and my true identity as The Child of Wonderment.

Since then, I not only put more hours into mastering my craft and quenching my never-ending curiosity in personal growth and self-awareness, but I also put in an extraordinary amount of heart and soul into everything I did.

I kept evolving on a soul-level and found my way back home to myself while I was helping others do the same in their lives.

I also realized that I was incredibly gifted at seeing people. Everyone, including random strangers I’d meet in school or at an event, would tell me they feel so safe to talk to me and would open up about things in their lives that they' hadn’t told anyone ever. I didn’t realize until much later on how that energetic gift and empathy made me such a powerful coach. I saw that I held the ability to see the souls of my clients, to see their pain, to see their heart’s desires- to see things in a way my clients couldn’t see for themselves, not because they didn’t have the ability or because they lacked anything, but because we have all been conditioned and socialized to give away our authority and hide our true selves.

I wanted (and still want) so badly for people to not only see, but own and use the power they have to change their lives, and to see how simple it could actually be, so they wouldn't have any excuse not to.

And at the end of 2021, I completed my career in personal training, finished my certification in life coaching, and transitioned to be a full-time life coach so I could focus solely on doing this work- of helping others connect with their true-self and invite it to come outwards and play.

So, here I am now. Combining my education, years of personal experience, and professional expertise, as well as all of my messiness, unanswered questions, triggers, and commitment to continue down the path of my soul to be here with you today, helping you follow the path lit up by your soul, and support you in having a fantastical human experience.

Want to step into a joyful, fulfilling, and magical life?

 My Accreditations


Certified Life Coach The Life Coach School

Certified Hypnotherapist Rapid Transformational Therapy Training

RTT® Practioner Rapid Transformational Therapy Training

B.A. Health and Human Sciences- Health & Mind University of Southern California

Minor in Entrepreneurship University of Southern California, Marshall School of Business

Certified Personal Trainer American Council on Exercise (ACE)

Certified Nutrition Coach National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM)

My Mentors, Coaches, and Guides

Simone Seol, Christina Rice, Melanie Ann Layer, Holly Higgins, Maggie Reyes, Stacey Boehman

My Mission & Spiritual Agreement

To guide people to come back home to their selves and wake them up to their beauty, depth, and power.

To coach people towards the most aligned evolution of themselves through a flexible roadmap, guided self-discovery, deep personal reflection, and open-minded perspectives.

To question, break-down, and re-establish the foundation of society starting with embracing the unique balance of natural feminine, masculine, and divine energy within each individual.

We believe in cultivating purpose-driven and values aligned humans that reclaim their authority, rejects hustle culture, and embodies their truth.

We believe that by deprograming misogynistic, patriarchal, neurotypical, sexist, ableist, racist, and stereotypical limiting beliefs, we can break free from the ideals, agendas, and methodologies society is constrained in.

By creating an unshakable foundation in our self-concept rooted in compassion, trust, love, and acceptance, we can create inner peace and expand our world view to encompass the same values.

We call upon ourselves to have agency in our own lives, to be courageous in realizing our dreams, to show vulnerability as a sign of strength, to be dutiful in our spiritual stewardship (attending to our needs), and to utilize our individual gifts to fulfill our deepest desires.

We commit to tuning our thoughts, feelings, and actions to the frequency that aligns us to our highest and best self, so that we may call onto others to do the same.

We believe ourselves to be worthy and give ourselves permission to be unapologetically authentic, confident, divergent, and successful.

We take full ownership of our past, present, and future- to break the cycle of generational and cultural trauma, to befriend and honor ourselves, and to experience and embody joy, success, and freedom at every point in our journey.

By pursuing the full awakening of our true selves, we create unfiltered awareness and holistic freedom that leaves humanity better with each generation, allowing all humans to thrive upon our healing.

Want to connect a bit deeper?

Here are some of my favorite…

  • The Things You Can See Only When You Slow Down by Haemin Sunim

    The Gifts of Imperfection by Brené Brown

    The Soul of Money by Lynn Twist

    Big Panda and Tiny Dragon by James Nobury

    Owly by Andy Runton

  • Animated: How to Train Your Dragon & Soul

    Action: Avengers: Endgame

    Comedy: White Chicks

    T.V. Show: Avatar The Last Airbender (p.s. I’m an OG okay?!! I grew up with this shit and have a tattoo inspired by it)

    I’m always down for a romcom and never down for a horror.

  • Freedom, Love, Courage, Inspiration, Acceptance, Seen, Curious, Challenged, Present, Aware, Grounded, and Unattached.

    p.s. I welcome all emotions :) especially sadness, overwhelm, pain, anger/frustration… because that’s life!

    • Connecting (with friends, new people, my spirit guides, animals, Mother Earth, etc.)

    • Going to the park and cloud watching or reading (bonus points if I’m traveling and find a cool park to visit!)

    • Doing tarot and oracle readings for myself

    • Taking dance classes (heels, hip hop, and vouge), spikeball and picnic at the beach

    • Literally just breathing. Especially while I sit in my egg chair on the balcony watching my cats watch hummingbirds

    • Spontaneously bursting out into “JUMPMAN! DO DODODO DO!” with my partner as we air fry sweet potato fries

    • Crying & Laughing (sometimes together!)

  • Zodiacs: Aquarius / Year of the Tiger

    Human Design: Projector 1/3

    Myers Briggs: ENFP-A (The Campaigner)

    DiSC Leadership Type: i

    Neurodiversity: ADHD a.k.a. interest-based nervous system