My Transformation

I always see these weight loss/ tone-up fitness transformations and they’re great, but my journey is so different and I want to share my story to showcase my definition of self-love and body-positivity.


I emphasize holistic health because (as you’ll see) I saw the biggest transformations in my body when my mental state was trashed and then again when it healed.


In 8th grade my mom started telling me that my hips were getting wider and my butt was getting bigger. Although I was never overweight, I got sucked into this negative self-talk that I was fat, I was too short, my legs are short and fat, and I needed to lose weight..


I started religiously calorie counting at 14 (staying under a net 1210 cal/ day limit) and throughout high school I would workout at least an hour a day (like straight cardio and HIIT, some days I’d do upwards of 5 hours of intentional physical activity- competitive golf+cardio workout) *BECAUSE THIGH GAP ENVY AND I WANTED A PERFECT BODY*


It worked. In 2015 (junior year of high school) I was 107 lbs and 12% body fat, I had a thigh gap, I had 6 pack abs, everyone knew me as the fitness beast. But I still fu*king hated myself and my life.


I struggled with depression, perfectionism, the toxic traditional asian mom always telling you you’re too fat, driving your college and career choices, and also a really toxic relationships that led to sexual assault, harassment, and months of emotional abuse.


Throughout this time, I didn’t tell anyone about what I was struggling with, I was just killing myself over school work, grinding on my extracurriculars, and always finding something to hate about my body or my face.


When I got into college, I thought my life would change. I just gave up calorie counting because I realized how detrimental it was to my mental health, but I hadn’t dealt with any of the other deeper issues in my life. Fitness was still a rock for me, but I stopped emphasizing it because I had always used it as a means to an end, but never really enjoyed the process itself.


I moved to California for college still not fully loving myself, and *surprise* still fu*king hated myself. My eating was out of wack, I was sick all the time, I threw out my back and couldn’t workout for months, I was in an awful relationship that was extremely bad for my mental health and self-esteem, and I GAINED SO MUCH WEIGHT.


End of 2017 and all of 2018 I said enough was enough. I put my foot down. I got professional mental health help, I broke up with my toxic boyfriend, I started to find joy in fitness, I started cooking again and meal prepping, I studied abroad in Melbourne for 5 months and COMPLETELY shifted my mindset 180 degrees.


I went from flexing skinniness to flexing STRENGTH.

I went from focusing on insecurities to focusing on GROWTH.

I went from being caught up in numbers to being FREE FROM NUMERICAL VALIDATION.


Now, in 2019, I am a certified personal trainer helping people build functional fitness and helping them achieve their fitness goals in a SUSTAINABLE manner. I started a health coaching business transforming the day-to-day in individuals struggling with weight management and perfectionism by coaching sustainable self-care habits, confidence, and mental resilience to reach their IDEAL SELF and say FU*K IT to people in society that have the audacity to make you feel less because of who you are physically.


You don’t need the lowest body fat %, the highest 1RM, a huge following on Instagram, only meal prep broccoli+chicken+brown rice, or a thousand compliments to make you feel validated. You just need your authentic self without the self-doubt, fear, and negative bullsh*t you feed yourself.


2015 Photo: Me junior year of high school with a fake ass smile, actually really insecure, and an emotional wreck.

2017 Photo: Me after my freshman year of college, still depressed af, not loving myself.

2019 Photo: Me actually happy, at peace with food, loving myself, in a healthy routine, grateful for life, and not giving a fu*k what anyone thinks of me.


Your body is a reflection of everything going on inside. Take care of your mind, your spirit, your heart, and everything else will fall into place.


Struggling in your own journey and want to get clear on the path you want to take? Sign up for a health consultation call now. In just 30-minutes, you’ll figure out what is keeping you stuck and how you can move forward with seeing results in your health journey.

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