027. the 4 breakthroughs I had after my last breakdown
Breakthroughs follow breakdowns. Listen to how deeply buried trauma resurfaced in Jen's relationship and business, plus the breakdown that followed. In this vulnerable episode, Jen gives you insight into what it was like for her to experience an intense breakdown, dealing with the consequences of her own neglect of self-care, what she's doing to course correct, and the lessons she learned that can help you moving forward.
(1:23) How I view breakdowns & overview of the episode
(3:43) What happened in my last breakdown, why it was triggered, signs to look out for
(10:07) Breakthrough #1: Your body knows better- it can't be tricked
(15:43) Breakthrough #2: Choosing to be human is the only way to heal human problems
(26:54) Breakthrough #3: "Just keep going" and success stories are told from a victor's perspective and will often fall flat when you feel like a victim & You never know how until you get there
(36:31) Breakthrough #4: Have a record of all the good times and bad times and especially the shitty times
(38:51) What it really takes to create change and succeed, questions you need to know the answer in order to find out if you have what it takes.
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Follow Jen on Instagram @jencuihealth