044. goal troubleshooting (correct these 7 errors)

Self-sabotage? Don't know her. Here's 7 common errors I see people make in the goal setting process that is hurting them more than helping them (and some of them are pretty sneaky)

(0:45) The basis of goal troubleshooting & the one thing that is NEVER the reason why you’re failing

(4:00) Intention of this episode

(4:44) #1 Setting not goals

(7:21) #2 Toning down your goals

(9:41) #3 Telling people too soon

(11:03) #4 Having goals without action steps

(14:25) #5 Giving up because you’re attached to a result timeline

(17:05) #6 Giving up if you don’t see consistent results

(18:46) #7 Using “trying” in a disempowering way

(23:56) Final notes and using coaching as support

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045. disarming perfectionism


043. how to know if life coaching is "worth it" & if it will work for you