106. 3 Key Lessons to Make Dating Worthwhile & Become Energetically Attractive | Relationship Series: Dating (Part 1)

Welcome to the 106th episode of the Soul Whispers Podcast! Join Jen as she explores how to transform your relationship with dating by taking the pressure off "getting it right" and using dating as a powerful opportunity for self-reflection and growth. This ensures you not only find an aligned partner for yourself, but that the entire dating process is worthwhile for you.

SERVICES MENTIONED: ✨ Start with RTT® Hypnotherapy ⁠here⁠ ✨ Book a Tarot Session ⁠here⁠

(02:36) Understand and adopt Jen's dating ideology

(04:50) #1. Avoid taking things personally in dating

(08:40) Embrace the idea that it's okay to not be "good enough" for someone

(09:47) Recognize that everyone in your life is a mirror

(11:41) Bring your shadows to light and grow from them

(15:52) #2. Be your full, authentic self in relationships

(16:50) Use thinking as a tool, not a weapon

(19:55) Know and clarify your intentions in dating

(21:28) Straight men vs women dating behaviors

(26:55) Distinguish between companionship and partnership

(28:25) Discern genuine effort from "trying" energy

(31:24) Embrace differences without fear

(34:09) #3. Have high standards in your relationships

(35:52) Understand why being high maintenance can be beneficial

(38:14) Align with your own standards

(39:18) Not be afraid of narcissists

(40:53) Live with integrity in your relationships

(41:42) Choose higher standards over more boundaries

(44:33) Realize you don't have to be perfect or fully healed to date

(48:02) My dating spreadsheet and the value of having a "list"

(53:31) Tarot for dating clarity and for couples

Join us for this enriching episode that will help you approach dating with confidence, self-awareness, and a sense of growth. Discover how to find an incredible partner who is truly aligned with you.


✨ Book a Tarot Session: ⁠⁠https://www.jencui.com/card-readings⁠⁠

✨ Learn More About RTT® Hypnotherapy: ⁠⁠https://www.jencui.com/rtt⁠⁠

✨ Apply for Soul Whispering: ⁠⁠https://www.jencui.com/1on1⁠⁠

✨ Join the next Soul Whispers Retreat: ⁠⁠https://www.jencui.com/swretreat⁠⁠


⭐️ Free 21-Day Hypnosis Audio for Confidence, Inner Safety, and Daily Happiness: ⁠⁠https://jencui.podia.com/hypnosis-for-daily-happiness-true-confidence⁠⁠

⭐️ Free Tarot Pick-a-Card Reading: ⁠⁠https://jencui.podia.com/newsletter⁠⁠


🧿 Partner with Your Privilege: ⁠⁠https://jencui.podia.com/partner-with-your-privilege⁠⁠

🧿 The Art of Feeling Your Feelings: ⁠⁠https://jencui.podia.com/the-art-of-feeling-your-feelings-emotional-intelligence-masterclass⁠⁠

🧿 Healing The Feminine: ⁠⁠https://jencui.podia.com/healing-the-feminine-stop-doing-it-all-reclaim-your-feminine-power⁠⁠

🧿 Healing The Masculine: ⁠⁠https://jencui.podia.com/healing-the-masculine-how-to-step-into-modern-day-masculinity⁠⁠


Website: ⁠⁠https://www.jencui.com/⁠⁠

Podcast: ⁠⁠https://www.jencui.com/podcast⁠⁠

Instagram: ⁠⁠https://www.instagram.com/jenthesoulwhisperer/⁠⁠

TikTok: ⁠⁠https://www.tiktok.com/@jenthesoulwhisperer⁠


105. How to Attract Meaningful Friendships and Build Community | Relationship Series: Friendships