Proof that you can feel "not enough” and still be successful
I'm currently receiving therapy (specifically Rapid Transformational Therapy which you can learn more about here) to strengthen my "I am enough" muscle.
Yup. That's right.
I still get triggered, stressed, and depressed to experience self-doubt, lack, and question my worthiness.
And it's not at all a problem to me- here's why
When I started my coaching business I was 20 years young, a junior at USC, was depressed and suicidal just 2 years prior, and had *just* experienced what true gratitude and presence in life felt like in the months prior
Yet here I was, building a business to help people get healthy, develop self-care routines, feel confident in themselves, love their bodies, and be happy in their lives.
I questioned myself almost daily at the beginning-
"Who is going to hire a 20 year old to help them with their life?"
"I’m not a certified health/ life coach- I don’t even have my degree yet- who is going to trust me?"
"Why should I even be paid if I haven’t worked with anyone yet- I have no proof!"
"Everyone else is landing internships at Google, EY, and Deloitte- shouldn’t I get a real job first?"
And in less than 2 months, I had my first client.
A friend from college who wanted to get fit, stop ordering UberEats every day, and learn to cook.
HE (yes my first client was a dude!) was a few years older than me.
He knew I was a certified personal trainer and wanted to train with me, but also saw me, heard my story, saw my life, and decided he could trust me to guide him.
He paid me- my FULL rate for 3 months of health coaching & personal training multiple times a week AND felt GRATEFUL to work with me.
He had the fancy high paying corporate job lined up that he knew he would need to develop healthy habits and a strong mindset NOW if he wanted to keep being healthy in his job later.
And with that- my first ever client- proved EVERY LIMITING BELIEF I HAD (that were born out of fear, doubt, social conditioning, and oppressive hierarchy) WERE USELESS.
It’s okay to feel anxious because you don’t think have all your shit together, or you don’t know what you’re doing, or you’re not "healed enough"
It’s okay to have "unhealthy" thought patterns or beliefs that don’t serve you pop up in your head when you’re stressed or trying something new
It’s okay to still get triggered even after years of work you’ve done to manage your behavior and heal from your trauma
What’s NOT okay is letting those thoughts get in the way and letting your life be led by anxiety, fear, and doubts.
No one said you had to be perfect and have unwavering confidence in yourself to succeed- you just have to have the courage to start and keep showing up.
I don't want you to hold yourself back for another day, month, or year from living a life that is true to you because you're believing the lie that "you're not ready".
Book your first coaching call + consultation with me now to catalyze your success