038. The triggering truth of how to move on from (most) trauma [Day 8 of 12DoBT]
"The same boiling water that hardens the egg, softens the potato"
T.W. Sexual assault and trauma
(0:17) Intro to the episode & the exception to this episode, what trauma is, and a disclaimer for this episode
(3:00) What it means to “move on” from trauma
(4:22) My favorite quote
(7:25) What determines post-traumatic stress vs. post-traumatic growth
(9:48) How to reframe trauma using the model
(11:57) Personal example of how to depersonalize, decondition, and decatastrophize trauma using the model
Curious how life coaching can support you through making peace with trauma and moving on more powerfully than ever? Book a consultation here to find out what the unique process for you would be.
Connect with Jen on IG! @jencuicoaching